― about me
My research focuses on the effects of seed treatment with cold plasma and electromagnetic field on seed germination, plant morphometric changes, production of secondary metabolites, and microbiota. I have extensive experience in both laboratory and fieldwork, and I am dedicated to improving seed and plant properties through my research. My ultimate goal is to contribute to the advancement of biochemistry and agriculture.
― Work experience
Junior Researcher
Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania | Sep 2019 - Present
Junior Researcher
Lithuanian Energy Institute, Kaunas, Lithuania | May 2020 - Jan 2022
Laboratory Technician in QC Microbiological
LabPrJSC "Infuzia", Vinnytsia, Ukraine | Jan 2018 - Aug 2018
― Education
Vytautas Magnus University
PhD, Biochemistry | 2018 - 2023
Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
Master's degree, General Biology | 2016 - 2018
Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University
Bachelors's degree, General Biology | 2012 - 2016
“Most of us want to fix or change the world in some fashion. But to change the world, you first have to understand it.”
- Steven D. Levitt
Gudyniene, V.; Juzenas, S.; Stukonis, V.; Mildaziene, V.; Ivankov, A.; Norkeviciene, E. Comparing Non-Thermal Plasma and Cold Stratification: Which Pre-Sowing Treatment Benefits Wild Plant Emergence? Plants 2023, 12, 3220 (link)
Sirgedaitė-Šėžienė, V., Lučinskaitė, I., Mildažienė, V., Ivankov, A. Koga, K., Shiratani, M., Laužikė, K., Baliuckas, V. Changes in Content of Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity Induced in Needles of Different Half-Sib Families of Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst) by Seed Treatment with Cold Plasma. Antioxidants 11(8):1558 (link)
Mildaziene, V., Ivankov, A., Sera, B. & Baniulis, D. Biochemical and Physiological Plant Processes Affected by Seed Treatment with Non-Thermal Plasma. Plants 11, 856 (link)
Ivankov, A., Žukienė, R., Naučienė, Z., Degutytė-Fomins, L., Filatova, I., Lyushkevich, V., Mildažienė, V. The Effects of Red Clover Seed Treatment with Cold Plasma and Electromagnetic Field on Germination and Seedling Growth Are Dependent on Seed Color. Appl. Sci., 11, 4676 (link)
Ivankov, A., Naučienė, Z., Degutytė-Fomins, L., Žūkienė, R., Januškaitienė, I., Malakauskienė, A., Jakštas, V., Ivanauskas, L., Romanovskaja, D., Šlepetienė, A., Filatova, I., Lyushkevich, V., Mildažienė, V. Changes in Agricultural Performance of Common Buckwheat Induced by Seed Treatment with Cold Plasma and Electromagnetic Field. Appl. Sci., 11, 4391 (link)
Gudynienė, V., Ivankov, A. Cold plasma treatment effect on wild plants seeds, CYSENI 2021: the 17th international conference of young scientists on energy issues, Kaunas, Lithuania, May 24-28, 2021: proceedings. Kaunas : LEI, no. 17, p. 542-546 (link)
Ivankov, A., Naučienė, Z., Žūkienė, R., Degutytė-Fomins, L., Malakauskienė, A., Kraujalis, P., Venskutonis, P.R., Filatova, I., Lyushkevich, V., Mildažienė, V. Changes in Growth and Production of Non-Psychotropic Cannabinoids Induced by Pre-Sowing Treatment of Hemp Seeds with Cold Plasma, Vacuum, and Electromagnetic Field. Appl. Sci., 10, 8519 (link)
Sirgedaitė-Šėžienė, V., Mildažienė, V., Žemaitis, P., Ivankov, A., Koga, K., Shiratani, M., Baliuckas, V. Long-term Response of Norway Spruce to Seed Treatment with Cold Plasma: Dependence of the Effects on the Genotype. Plasma Process Polym. 18:2000159 (link)
Mildažienė, V., Ivankov, A., Paužaitė, G., Naučienė, Z., Žūkienė, R., Degutytė-Fomins, L., Pukalskas, A., Venskutonis, P.R., Filatova, I., Lyushkevich, V. Seed Treatment with Cold Plasma and Electromagnetic Field Induces Changes in Red Clover Root Growth Dynamics, Flavonoid Exudation, and Activates Nodulation. Plasma Process Polym. 18:2000160 (link)
― Publications
Ivankov, A., Žūkienė, R., Naučienė, Z., Degutytė-Fomins, L., Beinoraitė, N., Jakstas, V., Ivanauskas, L., Adomaitis, A., Koga, K., Shiratani, M., Mildažiene, V. “Changes in hemp growth and content of cannabinoids after seeds treatment with cold plasma, vacuum, and electromagnetic field,” COST Action CA19110 on Plasma Applications for Smart and Sustainable Agriculture, Vysoké Tatry, Slovakia, 4-9 September 2022, P. 118
Ivankov, A., Žūkienė, R., Naučienė, Z., Filatova, I., Lyuskevich, V., and Mildažienė, V. "Influence of seed coat color on germination, morphometry, and the amount of phytohormones in red clover seeds after their treatment with cold plasma and electromagnetic field." In FEBS OPEN BIO, vol. 12, pp. 302-302. 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA: WILEY, 2022
Ivankov, A., Žūkienė, R., Naučienė, Z., Degutytė-Fomins, L., Beinoraitė, N., Jakštas, V., Ivanauskas, L., Adomaitis, A.G., Koga, K., Shiratani, M. and Mildažienė, V. "Changes in hemp growth and content of cannabinoids after seeds treatment with cold plasma, vacuum, and electromagnetic field". In FEBS3+ Conference of Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Biochemical Societies: abstract book: Tallinn, Estonia, 15-17 June 2022/Editor Tiit Lukk. Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology Press, 2022
Ivankov, A., Žūkienė, R., Naučienė, Z., Degutytė-Fomins, L., Filatova, I., Lyuskevich, V., Mildažienė, V. "Impact of red clover seed color on germination, morphometry, and root nodulation after seed treatment with cold plasma and electromagnetic field", 64th International Conference for Students of Physics and Natural Sciences "Open Readings 2021", Vilnius, Lithuania, 2021.03.16-19
Ivankov, A., Žūkienė, R., Naučienė, Z., Filatova, I., Lyuskevich, V., Mildažienė, V. “The influence of the color of the seed coat on the germination and amount of phytohormones in the seeds of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) after treating the seeds with cold plasma and electromagnetic field”, IWOPA 2021: 3rd International Workshop on Plasma Agriculture, Greifswald, Germany, March 01-03, 2021, P. 46
Ivankov, A., Žukienė, R., Naučienė, Z., Filatova, I., Lyushkevich, V., Koga, K., Shiratani, M., Jakštas, V., Ivanauskas, L., Romanovskaja, D. and Mildažienė, V., 2020. Changes of secondary metabolites in medicinal plants (Cannabis sativa, Trifolium pratense, Echinacea purpurea, Fagopyrum esculentum) induced by pre-sowing seed treatment with cold plasma and electromagnetic field. The Proceedings of the ІV International Scientific and Practical Internet-Conference «Theoretical and practical aspects of the research of medicinal plants», Kharkiv, Ukraine, 26-27 November 2020
Ivankov, A., Žūkienė, R., Naučienė, Z., Filatova, I., Lyushkevich, V., & Mildažienė, V. "The influence of the color of the seed coat on the germination and amount of phytohormones in the seeds of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) after treating the seeds with cold plasma and electromagnetic field." Current issues of the development of biology and ecology: materials of the 6th international scientific conference of students, graduate students, and young scientists (October 21–22, 2020, Vinnytsia). Vinnytsia: TVORY (video)
Ivankov, A., Mildažienė, V., DegutytėFomins L., Pauzaite G., Zukiene R., Nauciene Z., Koga K., Shiratani M., “Cold plasma treatment stimulates germination due to rapid changes induced in the content of radish seed phytohormones”, The 44th FEBS Congress, Krakow, Poland, 06-11 July 2019
Ivankov A., Mildažienė V., Degutytė-Fomins L., Paužaitė G., Žūkienė R., Naučienė Z., Koga K., Shiratani M., "Cold plasma treatment stimulates germination due to rapid changes induced in the content of radish seed phytohormones." // FEBS3+ conference of Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian Biochemical societies, 17th-19th June 2019, Riga: abstracts book. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2019. ISBN 9789934184505. p. 1-1
Ivankov A., Paužaitė G., Naučienė Z., Žūkienė R., Norkevičienė E., Olšauskaitė V., Padarauskas A., Filatova I., Lyushkevich V., Mildažienė V., "Seed treatment with cold plasma and electromagnetic field: effects on germination, plant growth, and the amount of flavonoids in the leaves of Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.)." // Биохимия и молекулярная биология: границы биологических наук, сигналинг и метаболизм, 8-9 ноября 2018, Гродно: cборник материалов конференции. Выпуск 2 = Biochemistry and molecular biology: frontiers in life science, signaling, and metabolism. Минск : ИВЦ Минфина, 2018. ISBN 9789857205653. P. 9
― Abstracts and reports at conferences

2020-2024 COST project CA19110 "Plasma applications for smart and sustainable agriculture."
LMT05-0039 project "Targeting metabolites in hemp fiber to develop products to alleviate symptoms of COVID-19."
2020 Baltic-Deutshes Hochschulkontor project “Plasma application in agriculture: seed treatment with plasma as an alternative method for increasing plant productivity.” Project partner – Leibniz Institute for Plasma Technology and Research, Greifswald, Germany.
2020 MTEPI interuniversity fund VMU-LUHS-LEI project "Innovative technologies for increasing the production of biologically active plant metabolites, PlasmaMET."
2019-2021 LSC cooperation program of the Republic of Lithuania and Belarus project no. S-LB-19-3 "Development of methods for controlling the amount and composition of pharmacologically valuable compounds (secondary metabolites) in plant tissues, using seed treatment with plasma and radio frequency waves." The project partner is the Belarusian SA Institute of Physics, Minsk, Belarus.
2019-2021 LSC Lithuania-Japan cooperation program project №S-LJP-19-2 "Development of early plant stress response after seed treatment with cold plasma of controlled composition (CPRESP)"
― projects in which I participated
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